How to know you wine

3 Wine tips you can’t go without

All #WineLovers will agree that you can’t waste a drop of wine — it’s just wrong! On the off-chance of having leftover wine (yes, we know that doesn’t happen often) you need to be prepared to save it. Here are some wine tips on how to store your wine, how to save leftover wine and some wine-hacks — yes, you can thank us later ?


Tip #1 Storage

Wine can smell funny when exposed to sunlight. We recommend storing it in a dark, cool place or covering the bottle with a cloth. Now some may ask, “Do I store wine in an upright position or on its side?” We think it best to just open the bottle and store the wine in your tummy — problem solved. Although, experts disagree with us and say it’s better to store wine on its side to prevent the cork from drying out and spoiling the wine. Then there are a lot of other technicalities about the humidity and temperature that we will not bore you with right now, just google it! ?


Tip #2 After opening

On the very rare occasion where you can’t finish the bottle (Ag shame!) we’ve got you covered! Winefolly gives an insightful infographic on how long to store your opened wine. Thank you Winefolly!


Tip #3 Clever Wine-hacks

  • So, here’s the scenario: You just bought the perfect bottle of white wine and you absolutely need to drink it, but it’s still warm. No! So, what to do? Easy, wrap the bottle in a wet towel and put in the fridge for 15 minutes and voilà you have chilled wine.

  • Traveling with a bottle wine in the car and afraid it might break? Blow up a kids floaty swim armband and place the bottle inside. Your wine’s very own lifeguard.

  • Broke the cork? No worries, use a coffee filter to catch the small pieces cork from the wine.

Wine is there to be enjoyed, don’t overcomplicate it. Be sure to order a bottle of Le Pommier Wine, an easy-drinking wine to be enjoyed with friends.

Do you have any wine tips or hacks you want to share?

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